Sunday Smile: Lost but found

This is going to both hurt and make some people smile, These sets of throwback pictures are once am sure this now popular student would wish they never posted. We are going to drop 8 pictures these morning while we allow you anticipate another 8 in the afternoon and then 8 at night. Stay online and keep smiling and i advise you, don't smile too much, you don't know who is next.

8. Fresh-Kay-  Though similar dress sense is noticed with difference of body size, This particular picture burst my brains. Who knew fresh-kay could later turn out fresh. One name for him.

7. Munachi (Pogba)- Munachi, who now is very fresh murdered me here, he got me thinking of turtle ninjas. His azonto Picture is the sole assassin, his head in the picture is unbelievably ugly. I hope he doesn't find me, the author, and kill me.

7. Heart- Is that someones head or  Shoprite's parking space, now i see why we have never seen him on a low cut. He looks more like a victim of earthquake. I hope he cuts his hair to prove us wrong. one name for him?

5. Jay-Is that a cardigan with a Tie? Jay could still do something like this am sure. I love the way he continually shows his chest, lizard chest i mean. The white shirt sure needs to be ironed. One name for him?

4. Catherine - Miss Go or House girl? Catherine or Ekaette? am sure she was feeling like one very hot chick, small thing, the nose for don occupy the face. anyways i gotta say i still love the laps but this babe, this babe...Hmmm.. one word for her?

3. 2Chainz - Agent 47 seemed fully equipped in this picture, i think the bow tie on the knee or rather the knee tie is for protection, na thief wey come Elvis house na em Elvis carry AK-47 chase comot like that. how many colours can you find in the picture?

2.  Zimuzo (Zimgee) - I think this picture was taken before he found out he was the real son and not the gateman's son, why did he even caption the picture, "Da Boss" i leave all comments and criticisms to you.

1.  DJ EmicVee - In this episode of Lost, Love found him,i don't even know whats funnier, the fact the wedding took place in the bush or the choice of suit or even the lovely wife. DJ EmicVee on low cut is horrible, he looks like That Papa Eboue; The Gateman in Frontgate... Just saying shaa.. One word for this picture?